Enjoy one-on-one interactions and custom investment program design and implementation.
Enjoy all the benefits of our OCIO solution – plus a dedicated portfolio manager and investment consultant at your fingertips.
We partner with you to deliver exceptional investment programs and wealth strategies. We combine advanced technology with the insights of our experienced team to focus on serving you and helping you meet your goals.
Enjoy one-on-one interactions and custom investment program design and implementation.
We personally consult with you on the client, working with you to leverage deep insights and develop a full assessment, and a comprehensive, coordinated case design.
As an extension of your team, we work alongside you to engage with your clients, helping to clearly articulate strategies, solutions, and outcomes that align with their goals.
Whether we’re managing one part of a client’s portfolio or its entirety, we assess a client’s entire wealth allocation and manage their total wealth across multiple strategies, accounts, and platform.
Our process is intentional, flexible, and personalized—always putting you at the center, so you can effectively serve your clients.
Advisory Services offered through Concurrent Investment Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Brokerage services offered through Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments (PKS), Member FINRA/SIPC Headquartered at 80 State Street, Albany, NY 12207. PKS and Concurrent Investment Advisors, LLC are not affiliated companies.